Saturday, March 14, 2009

(map 'list (lambda (n) (solve n)) 99-problems)

I got 99 problems and a bitch LISP ain't one!

I had a mild headbutting (no jerk, of course) with Saffer yesterday about me being spoiled by LISP. What bothered me wasn't the fact that I'm spoiled by LISP (I know I am... first-class everything FTW) but the fact that I couldn't defend LISP properly since I don't fully understand how some of its sweetest features work...namely macros, the type system, and the exception system.

So I'm going to correct that.

Also on the plate... I'm thinking of learning C. "It'll make a man out of you," Saffer said. Yeah... but I've found hot sex and Hurricane malt liquor to be a more pleasurable solution to that problem. And a language without an interpreter environment? *shudder*

Update (7:12PM):
Adam showed me this site:

Pretty cool.

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